The fee for private clients is $175.00 per therapeutic hour for individuals and $195 for couples and families--a 50 minute session with 10 minutes for file reviews and progress notes. Additional services relevant to your care, such as report preparation or phone conversations, are charged on a pro-rated basis at 15-minute increments at $175/hr.
Fee payment, by cash, debit, credit card or e-transfer, is due before each session begins.
Many medical plans provide coverage for clinical social work services. If you are on a plan, please get in touch with your insurance provider prior to the first session to determine if yours does.
Some key questions to ask may include:
Does my plan cover the services of a Registered Social Worker approved by the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers who engage in private practice?
How much coverage do I have each year? And is that each calendar year or each 12 month period?
Does my plan cover 100% of the amount or do I have to pay a portion of each visit?
Do I require a physician’s referral to qualify for coverage?
How do I submit my claim for reimbursement?
Please note: Clinical social work services may be claimed through the Medical Expense Credit (METC) on your Income Tax so please keep your receipts.
Visit www.cra.gc.ca/medical to learn more about claiming the METC.